Welcome to lunalil_ commission

Commission Slots

I am available to take up two commissions at the same time. I feel like any more, and I might malfunction (+_+) If slots are full, I will ask if you want to be notified when they are open (o ́▽`o)ノ

Time + Details of your Commission

First, we will discuss the details of your commissions, and I may decide to go with the commission or refuse (either because I do not feel like I have the ability to draw what you want or feel uncomfortable with the request).

1. Describe the type of artwork you are asking. For example, if you wanted a half-body or a headshot, and if you also wanted a specific background or not

2. Then, describe the character if possible about their appearance, personality, and maybe backstory (optional)Provide some color palettes, poses, clothing, or other images for me to use as a reference!

Estimated Time = One week to a month based on the complexity of the commission after payment is received

Don't forget to refer to my Terms and Conditions to know more about refunds and other policies


Headshot = $30

Half-Body = $40

Full-Body = $50

Background Included = Additional $5